Basic Electronics Ebook By

Humphrey’s Basic electronics course is an E book covering all common electronics components (both passive and active) found
in consumer electronics equipment like LCD television and Monitors, CRT television and Monitors, DVDs,
Hi-fi systems, Power amplifiers, Switch mode power supplies(S.M.P.S) etc.
After reading his Ebook you will be able to identify the components using actual
picture, symbol used to represent them on the circuit board, purposes it serves on the circuit, common failure
modes and how to test if it is good or bad.
The Ebook is highly recommended for new
students in electronics, those who are in the field but have
difficulties in understanding how circuits works to the advanced technician who want to refresh their knowledge in
basic electronics as it provides a solid foundation for those who want to major in the world of electronics
The Ebook is illustrated with Color photos to make the reader learn faster and get
the concept pretty fast.
Every Chapter is hyperlinked
to the list of content for easy navigation within the book for those who decide to read the book directly from
the computer screen,tablets and Iphones
Here are the list of Content
1: Introduction to basic
2: Introduction to basic tools required in electronics
3: Fuses:-identification, purpose, common failure mode &
testing if good or bad.
4: Metal Oxide Varistor (M.O.V):- identification, purpose, common
failure mode & testing if good or bad.
5: Thermsistors: - (Posistor and NTC) - identification, purpose,
common failure mode & testing if good or bad.
6: Inductors: - identification, purpose, common failure mode &
testing if good or bad.
7: Relays:-identification, purpose, basic relay circuit, relay
used in power supply, common failure mode & testing if good or bad.
8: Capacitors:-identification, types, Uses in circuit,
understanding capacitor body markings, encoding ceramic capacitors body marking, how to discharge big
capacitors, voltage rating of capacitors, common failure mode & testing if good or
9: Resistors:- identification, uses, fixed resistors, variable
resistors(linear pot and log pot), resistor color code, resistor in series, connecting speakers in
series/parallel, application of P.O.T in volume control, resistors in parallel circuit, common failure mode
& testing if good or bad
10: Diodes:- identification, various types of common diodes, power
diodes, damper diodes, fast recovery diodes, signal diodes, Zener diodes, using zener diode as a voltage
regulators, using zener diode for protection, light emitting diode(LEDs), common failure mode & testing if
good or bad for each type.
11: Transistors: - identification, uses in circuits, common
failure mode & testing if good or bad
12: Integrated circuit (I.C):- identification, pin arrangement,
Tips on how to know if it is good or bad.
13: Crystals and Resonators: - identification, types (Crystal
oscillator & ceramic resonators) uses, testing if good or bad
14: Voltage Regulators: - identification, types (positive and
negative series), uses, testing if good or bad
15: Introduction to switch mode power supply
16: Conclusion
The ebook price is only
USD14.95 and it comes with his full if you have any issue on basic electronics he will help
you out. Please click below to order his ebook
