Dell Inspirion 1750s Screen

The first
thing to note is there are no screws holding the screen bezel on see image below.

You will have
to use something thin a small to wedge between the back cover and the front bezel. I used my finger nail. Just
find a spot and slowly separate the two pieces . The only thing holding the front bezel to the cover is the
plastic snaps see image below.

Once you have
the front bezel off and out of the way you will need to locate 4 small channel screws and remove them to get the
screen out see image below.

As you can
see from the image I did not take hinges and all off. There is no need for that you can easly get to the channel
screws to remove the screen.
Once you get
the screws out you will have 1 cable to unplug from the screen itself. You will have to remove some tape from
the actual plug to get the thing unplugged see image below.

At this point
if you were just going to replace the screen you could do so and reassemble and test your work.
Since this is
an LCD screen lets take a look at what it would take to replace the LCD light strip if one needed to.
The next step
is to remove the flat cable from its track (BE CAREFULL ).

Next you will
need to locate the 2 small Phillips screws that hold the LCD light strip on the screen track there are one at
each end. See image below.

Once you
remove the screws and careful to watch to flat cable there is a small piece of tape in the middle you will need
to carefully remove. After that you should have the LCD light stripe completely off see image below.

Here is a
look at the LED lights inside up close.

Here is
screen info.

Some images
of the laptop back together and working.

I think for
the price of a new screen on ebay ($80.00 this price includes shipping too) I would just replace the whole
screen even if you could find just the LED light strip it seems to be a lot of work to replace it.
I hope this
helps to understand some of the new LCD light screens.
At this point
you can reassemble the laptop and test your work.
This article
was contributed and written by Grant Fullen and you can visit his website at

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