Interview With
Bougrine-Professional Electronic Repairer From

Jestine Yong- How are you?
Bougrine- I’m
fine, thank you
Jestine Yong- Which country are you from and how
long have you been in this trade?
Bougrine- I’m
from Morocco. About 19 years of
Jestine Yong- How’s life as
an electronic repairer?
Bougrine- You know Jestine,
I have” lost” five years in the university studying human
behaviour, finally my real job is electronic behaviour. I
like electronic.
Jestine Yong-At least you have that 5 years of
experience about human behaviour. Okay so how difficult is it for you
to get started initially?
Bougrine- It
was not easy in the beginning, but in my progression, things
become easy with experience.

Jestine Yong - Where is
your company located? And what kind of services you are
Bougrine- I’m working for
other society in dental supply equipments. And I’ve my work
shop at home, giving services and repairing CRT Tvs,
camcorders LCD monitors, LCD and plasma tvs, camcorders,
ships radio, Sterilizers and all kind of recent electronic
Jestine Yong- That’s a lot of equipment!
Did you have any experience
working in a corporate line, or any other jobs you’ve done before
other than electronic repairing?
Bougrine- Yes,
I have had experience in a pharmaceutical
Jestine Yong - What is
your education background? Or do you learn the repair on your own
or from a Guru/courses/forum/books and etc?
Bougrine- In 1988 I got my
degree in psychology at the age of 25 years, I had followed
parallel courses in electronics- I bought the courses, and I
also studied the behaviour of semiconductors to understand
the logic of failures in each stage: supply voltage, decoder
PAL / NTSC / MESECAM / SECAM and audio amplification audio
and Video, and I made a pre-registration in Canada for a
Ph.D. in neurosciences. I had an internship at a
pharmaceutical company in Casablanca. In 1991, for reasons I
committed myself Electronics
Jestine Yong- How many staff do you have
Bougrine- I’m
working alone.

Jestine Yong - Which electronic repair website you
frequently visited and why do you like it?
Bougrine- Many
electronic repair websites, like
, I have also my
database as The Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits from 1999
until now. I also have Semiconductor Data Handbook from Third
edition and various electronic circuit diagrams. In dentistry, I
have the technical services diagrams of each equipment that I
Jestine Yong - Which
type of Electronic Equipment you consider yourself expert
Bougrine- Throughout my
career, I never had problems. My service is
Yong -
How much time do you spend on equipment before you give
up? Why do you give up?
Bougrine- It depends on the
device. I always end up repair to 90%. Dental equipment
repair is 100%.
Yong - Wow!
That’s a very high percentage especially the dental
equipment. What kind of test equipment do you use in
electronic troubleshooting?
Bougrine- I have a Hameg
30Mhz oscilloscop ,Wavetek function generator,
APPA105,CHAUVIN ARNOUX ca5220,YF-150 capacitance meter, I
have also a Programming Device for Sterilizers series
Yong -
What’s your favourite test equipment and why do you like
Bougrine- All my equipment
are favourite.
Jestine Yong - What was
the last electronic book and magazine you
Bougrine- Every information
about recent technologies in electronic from the net. By the
way your LCD MONITOR REPAR book is
Jestine Yong – Thanks
for the compliment on my eBook. Generally on average how many types
of electronic equipment you can repair in a
Bougrine- In dental Two,
Camcordrers two, Tvs 3 to 4. It depends on a kind of faults
Yong -
Would you kind to share to ERG members what are the
procedures that you use in order to repair no power symptom
in a Television/Monitor?
Bougrine- In many recent
apparatus , there are lcd panel error code, or flashing led.
If the power supply dead I proceed as
Checke voltages in the
secondary supply
power: +5v,+12v,+B,-5v,3.3v etc…if absent, check the main
switch transistor, look for burned components, shorted. If no
shorted or burned components unplug the power and check power
ic voltage and wave form if the Ic vcc is ok , wave form ok
and no open resistors, remains to check secondary diodes, and
regulator Ics(rarely fail).

Jestine Yong - Does your
company have any contracts (or appointed as an Authorized Service
Centre) with any major brands of equipment?
Bougrine- Yes.
I am authorized to
install, repair and monitor the device for an Italian
manufacturer of dental
Jestine Yong - Do you
meet regularly with other electronic repairers to discuss about
electronic problems and solutions?
Bougrine- In my workshop I
receive from time to time other repairers who have problems
of diagnosing.
Jestine Yong - Do you do
your own R & D to find a better solution in electronic repair,
for example like coming out with your own way of solving a
particular circuit problem?
Bougrine- Failures of
electronic devices are logical. Just make sure you understand
the operating mechanism of SMPS for example to solve problems
as a result.
Jestine Yong -
What are the biggest problems you are facing in the Electronic
repair business nowadays?
Bougrine- Lots of components
are surrounded by secrets of manufacturers. Even if we find
the fault, there will be no possibility of finding the
component, or purchase more
Jestine Yong- What is the best strategy to convince
a customer to send repair item to you or your
Customers need my services and I don’t need to convince

Jestine Yong- Do you give credit terms to your
customer or purely accepting cash after the repair work is
Accepting cash after the repair work is
Jestine Yong- Let’s assume that your repair
business is full of competition. What do you have to do to give
yourself an edge over your competitors?
Bougrine- We
must be updated.
Yong - Do
you have any tips for anyone who wants or plan to set up
their own Electronic repair shop?
Bougrine- You must have excellent
electronics training and at least some computer training,
because all recent devices are
Jestine Yong - What
advice would you give to a beginner who wishes to join this
Bougrine- To be serious
Jestine Yong - What
advice would you give to an experienced or professional electronic
are driven by customers. As a result, we have to make them to
Jestine Yong - Did you
make mistakes that others could learn from?
Bougrine- Yes. Make sure you check
the warranty period first before repair. No credit, only
Jestine Yong- Do you plan to write a book on
electronic repair?
Bougrine- At the moment,
Jestine Yong- Most successful people have a role
models. Who is your role model?
Bougrine-I do
not know if I am successful, I know that I am happy. That's
already good.
Jestine Yong- What are your future plans? Long term
Bougrine- The
medical electronic has the future, the robot too. Traditional
repair will be exceeded. Until then we have to be up to date
in our job.

Jestine Yong- What is your final message to our
Bougrine- I’d
like to see a web created between us all
Jestine Yong- Thanks
Bougrine-Thanks Jestine. You are welcome
and thank you for your courage to teach and propagate
reliable values. Have a nice time
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