How To Locate Some
Good Testing Points In Electronic Circuit
If you are
performing an electronic repair task and you did not know how to
fully utilize the testing points in a circuit then I believe you
have miss out something important in this repair trade. Of course
the first procedure is to locate the faulty circuit and then test
out the components in the circuit. What if after checking all the
components in that circuit and you still could not locate the
faulty component?
Do you know that
finding out the critical test points in a circuit is equally
important as compare to testing electronic components? Test points
not necessary have to be at the components pin (IC input and output
pins), it can be in any section of the circuit. If you understood
the signal and voltage of those test points your chances of solving
a problem would be faster. In this article I would not explain how
to find out good test points in all electronic equipment but I will
show you an easy way to locate good test points in certain boards.
Hope after reading this article you will have some ideas where to
locate good test points in the type of electronic equipment that
you are repairing. Lets’ start!
The best test points
in any electronic circuit are at the connectors! Yes I’m saying it
again-at the connectors! Generally most of the electronic equipment
in the market has few electronic boards in it. For example, a CRT
Television has the CRT board and the Mainboard, LCD Monitor have
the Mainboard, power/inverter board and LCD controller board in it,
a Dot Matrix printer have the print Head, Mainboard and power board
and etc. These boards are connected using cables or wires and many
of the manufacturers would print out the meaning of each

For instance, in a
typical CRT Monitor board, at the connectors you could see H sync,
V sync, clamp, ground, G1, heater voltage (6.3 volt), 12 volt,
contrast, 75 volt and etc. All these are the good/important test
points that you should not ignore. You may find some good test
points at the CRT board like the G1, G2, R, G, B, and Heater.
Understanding the voltage and signal of these points could easily
helps you out in your repair work. Assuming the complaint of the
Monitor is no display and have high voltage, what you need to do is
to place the meter probe at the heater point (6.3 volt) and check
if the voltage is good or bad. If it good then proceed to check on
other circuit and if it is low or missing then you now have a clue
of where to start troubleshooting. When doing the troubleshooting
work, one cannot simply test all the circuits and all points. In
the long run you are just wasting your time and you have to be
precise on where to start probing and the connector area are the
best test points for you to get information.

If you are doing
motherboard repair and have the schematic for it then the card SLOT
in the motherboard could be good testing points too. You can test
those points with meters, scope or even logic probe if you have the
information of all the pins! Don’t limit yourself to only connector
test points, in fact you can look beyond that just like the case in
the motherboard (test points at the card slot).

For your
information, not only you can test on the motherboard slot, you
could also test on the printer port pins if you are repairing

Well it is not easy
if you are first time in taking down all the result. It requires
your patience and your precious time. Let me tell you this, nothing
comes easy in life. One has to sacrifice his time and then he can
expect good returns from what he had done. All these require hard
Question- What if
the connector’s area does not have any marking on

This is the reason
why I always ask you to write down information from good working
equipment. At least now (assuming you already wrote down the test
result) you have something to refer to as compare to when you do
not have information at all. You will be in the losing
The next solution
for this problem is the training/servicing manual and schematic
diagrams. With the help of these manuals and diagrams you can
easily locate the test points because it usually show you what are
the voltages, signal and etc at those points. There was a ERG
member who said this “One
have to spend some money in order to make money”. I totally
agree with him. If the manuals or diagrams that you are seeking
could help you to solve your problem then why not invest in it and
when the problem solved you could charge your customer and you can
keep the manuals and schematic for future reference too. It will
pay itself back!

Conclusion- If
possible gets some good electronic equipment and write down all the
result from the test you have performed on the test points for
future reference. Somehow one day you may come across electronic
boards that do not have any marking at the connectors and by
referring to the test result that you had wrote it down earlier, at
least it could shed some lights at where to start troubleshooting.
Just to let you know that as an electronic repairer one must be
dynamic in thinking and not static especially dealing with many
different types of electronic circuit.
Dynamic means you
create your own way of testing and find your own test points in the
circuit you are working on and because of this dynamic thinking you
will excel fast. You have to explore beyond my articles that was
sent to you every month. Static means you are wholly dependent on
book/article information. That means if there is a new problem you
are facing you would give up easily because the information
provided by the books/articles have limitation. You have to put
more effort in finding your own way or solution to successfully
solve electronic circuit problems.
Hope you have
enjoyed this article and will be seeing you again next month. Take
care and God bless!
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