How To Repair Short Circuit In Ethernet
Broadband Router

Recently my company D-link Ethernet
broadband router broke down and I can’t access the internet. The
problem was no power but there was 5 volts output from the power
adapter, so this proof that the router itself not working. As usual
we as electronic repairer do not buy any new equipment unless we
have inspected the equipment our self. If we found that the
equipment is beyond repair such as lightning strike or no spare
parts then only we give up and buy a new unit.
Upon opening up the cover I didn’t see
any signs of lightning strike, burn components or even bulged
capacitors. The main board looks perfectly okay. Now the next step
that I took was to plug in the 5 volt supply voltage to the input
jack and analyze why the LED’s do not lit. Surprisingly the moment
5 volts supply was plugged it in, the 5 volts immediately dropped
to 0 volts. I thought it could be the regulation problem in the
power adapter so I took out a 12 volt automobile light bulb from my
toolbox and connect it to the output jack. The bulb lit and when
checks with a digital meter it showed exactly 5 volts! This again
proven that the power adapter is working perfectly fine.
My concentration now was in the main
board because the power adapter was not the cause of no power in
the router. Since the main board was pulling down the power supply
voltage, I presumed that there must be something that have direct
short between the supply line and ground. Using my analog meter set to X 1
ohm, I placed the red probe to ground and the black probe to the
supply line and shifted the probes again, I could clearly noticed
that the analog meter pointer both the reading points to very low
ohm (zero ohms indicated short circuit).

Because of so many components that have
connection with the supply lines, I really do not know as which one
is the culprit. Shorted IC’s, capacitors, diodes, zener diodes,
transistor and etc can cause the supply line to have direct
connection with the ground. Do not worry as there is an easy way to
isolate this type of problem. Remember the newsletter repair
article mentioned about how to detect short circuit with the help
of a regulated power supply? Yes, I’m going to use it to locate the
cause of the short circuit too. First connect the negative from the
regulated power supply to the main board ground and the positive to
the supply line of the main board. Now slowly increase the voltage
of the regulated power supply by turning the variable resistor. If
there is a short circuit present, the ampere or current drawn would
be great and you could see it from the regulated power supply LCD

In my case, yes the current drawn is
proportional to the voltage increment. The higher the voltage the
higher the current drawn and it is abnormal. Even before the
voltage reached 2 volts (suppose it should be tune to 5 volt), the
current already increased to few amps! I stopped at 2 volts and
begin to inspect the main board to see if there is any sign of warm
components. If you could locate one then that is the shorted
component that pulled down the 5 volt supply voltage.

Usually I would suspect IC’s first but
all the IC’s looks cool only. Then I began to touch on other
components. While my finger browsing the supply input area I found
that the circuit board was extremely hot. The hot area only
consists of electrolytic capacitor, a zener diode and few other
components. I switched off the regulated power supply and checked
one by one of the components in that area. Electrolytic capacitor
checked to be good and the real caused of the problem was the zener
diode. The zener diode had developed a short circuit. The marking
of the zener diode was 5V6 which means 5.6 volt. After replaced the
zener diode and checked with analog meter again, there were no more
short circuits and the router’s power came back once the power
adapter jack was plugged in.

In this article, the method that I have
shown you above can be apply to any kind of electronic boards that have short
circuit between the supply line and the ground. You just have to be
creative in electronic troubleshooting and who knows one day you
may end up of discovering some new methods in solving electronic
problems fast, easy and eventually save your precious repair