How To Solve HiSense LCD TV Model TLM40V68P With Distorted Display

The complaint of this LCD TV was distortion in the display. Pressing the On Screen Display (OSD)
menu showed the same result. So the suspected section was in the Mainboard between the CPU and DDR Ram
(Double data rate random access
memory). Turning on the LCD TV, the CPU and the DDR memory will have advance data communication (read
write data). When DDR memory read-write the data, it needs to lock the data address, and then the
columns address strobe or selection (CAS) is controls by RAS (Row Address Strobe or
RAS is a signal
sent to a DDR Ram that tells it that an associated address is a row address. A data bit in DDR RAM is stored in
a cell located by the intersection of a row address and a column address. A CAS signal is used to validate the
column address. The signals are generally sent CAS before RAS.
If the main chip (CPU) when carries on the read-write operation to DDR, a rows address is
unable to determine, then it will cause the data read-write to be wrong, will thus form the figured screen
breakdown or display distortion.

In order to troubleshoot the problem we need to check the connectivity between the DDR RAM IC
and the CPU pin. You need to check all the SMD components or the pulse in between the lines. Discovered that
U12 DDR pin22 (CAS rows address selection pulse) was unusual and when R486 (22 ohm) was checked out of
circuit with a digital ohmmeter, it was found to be opened circuit.

CPU and DDR Ram connection
The SMD resistor problem caused the CPU can’t read the data and this in turn had caused the
display distortion problem or full screen column bars problem in the LCD TV. A new replacement of the SMD
resistor brought the LCD TV back to life again.

Conclusion- Whenever a LCD TV have problem it is not necessarily cause by bad
ICs or the data in the IC have corrupted. It could also cause by bad SMD components as what I have shown to
you above. If you truly know how LCD TV works you will have the advantage of troubleshooting it fast and be
able to solve the problem. If the above case SMD components checked to be good then it is either the DDR
memory or the CPU IC fault.
This article was contributed By Mr Kent Liew.

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