Simple Ways On How To Test
A Crystal With Tester Or Checker

A Crystal and location marking
It’s simple on how to test a
crystal with a tester or checker.
Crystal oscillators are used to generate precise, stable radio
frequencies and are found in a wide variety of electronic equipment
such as Computers (motherboard and monitor), Television,
Telecommunications systems (mobile phone), and etc. The function is
to keep the frequency of the clock from drifting. If the signal
from this clock stops producing frequency, or is weak, or the
pulses begin to vary or change, the electronic equipments might
show intermittent problems or might stop

Crystals in Computer
The microprocessor pins that hold
the crystal oscillator are usually called OSC IN and OSC OUT and
the frequency is marked on the crystal. The location of the
crystals was labeled as XTAL or X. Some examples of crystal
oscillator frequency are 4 mega hertz, 8 mhz, 16mhz and so
I’ve experienced
quite a number of Computer Monitor crystal breakdowns causing the
On Screen Display (OSD) to disappear from the screen. Some On
Screen Display even missing half of the display and also erratic.
Replacing only the crystal solve the OSD problem in Monitor. A
loosen crystal connection in Computer Motherboard could cause the
system to ‘hang’ after running for sometime.

Crystals are quite
fragile components because of their construction and designed.
Unlike a resistor or a capacitor, if you drop one on the ground
from a decent height, it’s a 50-50 chances whether it will function
Though crystal don’t become faulty
easily like a resistor or capacitor, it is important for an
electronic repairer to know how to test a

A Crystal and its
location marking in a Computer Monitor
Testing the crystal is not a
breeze either. You cannot just take out your trusty meter and test
the crystal in it. In fact, there are three methods to test a
crystal: -
Using an Oscilloscope- A crystal
oscillator produces a sine wave when excited. It is appropriate
then, to see a waveform representative of a sine wave on the clock
pins. If the clock is not working properly, replace the crystal.
Test the crystal with power on. Normally microprocessors are
usually very reliable but not in this case of a Compaq MV720
Monitor came in with no high
voltage symptom. Using the scope to check on the crystal revealed
very unstable waveform and replacing the microprocessor solved the
no high voltage problem and the crystal waveform shown a perfect
sine wave.
A crystal oscillator
Second method is to use frequency
counter to check the frequency of the crystal oscillator. The
measurement must be taken when the equipment power is ‘On’. Put the
probe of the meter or frequency counter to the crystal pin and read
the measurement. Make sure your frequency counter meter has the
range that is higher than the crystal frequency you are
If the crystal is 8 mhz then your
meter should have the range to be able to check that frequency.
Assuming the readout of the crystal is 2.5 mhz then you know that
the crystal is not functioning well and need to be replace. Normal
digital multimeter usually has a small range for checking
frequency. However the digital meter (Greenlee brand) that I’m
using is able to measure up to 24 mhz. You can read the
specification of your meter manual and see how high is the range

Frequency counter in a
digital multimeter

A Crystal oscillator
and microprocessor (cpu) on a mainboard
Third method is to use a Crystal
Checker- With this way; normally the crystal is placed in the
feedback network of a transistor oscillator. If it oscillates and
the LED is lightening up, this means that the crystal is
functioning. If the crystal doesn’t work, the LED will goes off.
Instead of using LED as indicator, some other expensive crystal
checker uses a panel meter to indicate if the crystal is
functioning or not. If you search crystal information on the
internet, you will find some websites that provides tips on how to
test crystal as well as how to build one.