How To Repair 19" LCD Monitor Dim Display Problem That Are Using 4 CCFL
The backlight inverter takes a DC input and converts it to a
high voltage, alternating current source to supply power to the florescent lamps. The four lamps are required
to view the LCD. If the inverter have problem it will cause dim display problem. Below is a backlight
inverter that is inoperable.
To test the inverter, connect four lamps and the Monitor
Inverter Supply as shown.
Turn the supply on and the lamps should light. The lamps did
not come on with this inverter. Below is a close-up of the switching circuit that feeds the
two MOSFET switches, N2+P2 and N1+P1. These two transistors supply the signal to the two transformers
primaries. The first component I check is the power fuse,
F1. It was reading open. A common failure in these inverters is shorted switching
transistors. There is a lamp current monitor circuit designed
into the unit. This monitors the lamp current and shuts down the
BIT2023 controller to protect the transformers if no current is detected, so we are limited to static
resistance reading for troubleshooting. Once the fuse was
checked, I started measurements on the switching transistors and found Q4 to be shorted drain to

Remove F1 and Q4. An easy way to remove most components is
with a product called CHIPQUIK. It’s a solder that has a low
melting point. Apply a little to the leads and the CHIPQUIK
stays molten long enough for you to heat all sides of a component. Once the components are removed, use a desoldering braid to remove the
excess solder. Clean the solder pads with alcohol and a q-tip.

Once F1 and Q4 were replaced, the inverter was ready for

This article was contributed by David Brewer from the USA.

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